age: 16 years old
birth date: april 13th 2007
pronouns: he/him
orientation: bisexual
gender: pangender
nationality: polish

Charles Heartburg is a major supporting character in OtherWorld, as well as one of the main characters in its side story "Pinkland". He is a very loving, but emotionally fragile boy.

One faithful day, the inner conflict in Joanna's mind became so strong a part of him split away from his body in search of an escape from the unbearable cycle of fighting with Nycti. This part very quickly became his own person, now known as Charles Heartburg. He created a new layer above the Otherworld that he kept secret, called Pinkland. Eventually he did invite Joanna, on one condition - all memories of he had of the place had to be suppressed whenever he'd go back to the Otherworld.

Being ostracized by his peers in the past led him to seek validation from anyone, at any price. Oblivious to how irresponsibly he was using his magic power, he inadvertently ended up hurting those he loved most. He wants to make up for all of his mistakes more than anything else in the world.

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